“We have experience and extensive knowledge of the operation of the private and public sectors. Our fields of work are mainly: the design, development and implementation of information systems, monitoring and evaluation; conducting studies and research in the economic and social area; and Business Consulting"
In this field we offer the opportunity to design , develop and implement information systems , monitoring and evaluation AD- HOC our customers to strengthen their capacity for analysis and decision making..
Through our studies we collaborate and support public organizations or in finding private lessons learned and recommendations to structural situations or circumstances that enable people to achieve their goals. Read more >>
Those small and medium enterprises or organizations of the productive sector seeking economic growth in socially responsible development framework.
Sustaining Human Progress: reduce vulnerabilities and build resilience.
Particularized addresses situations of different types of sexual violence.
The figures relating to income are calculated at current rates.
Promote networking cooperatively and incorporate mechanisms to facilitate communication.
Tel.: (503) 2263 3171